Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Have Had It With These Kids!

I have had it with the present generation of kids. They are all a bunch of smart-assed, know-it-alls just because they know how to text message with an i-phone in both hands, with their fingers going at the speed of light. I am 71 years-old and I can do things they never thought of doing and I did things that they, in their lifetime will never do. For example, I know how to put a phonograph needle on a record. These young idiots don't know what either a record or a phonograph is I'll bet. I know how to fill a fountain pen with ink. And, how about operating a clutch pedal? If it wasn't for automatic shifts, these kids wouldn't be able to drive a car. And how many of these kids know how to ROLL DOWN the window of a car. Take away those buttons and they would die of hypothermia or lack of oxygen in their cars.

I used to open cans of spam and coffee with a key. You had to be really good to do this without cutting your finger or breaking off that little band of metal too soon, but today's kids wouldn't know anything about that. And how many kids today know how to break up a block of ice with an ice pick; use hand signals when driving, use an iron without electricity (if they even know what an iron is) or how to defrost a refrigerator.

I hope they look at me and others my age with new-found respect after reading this article.

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