Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bloomberg for President?

Mayor Bloomberg for President? Apparently Hizzoner has the Oval Office in his gun sights. God help us. Cigarettes are now $14 a pack in NYC due to his, and Governor Patterson’s efforts. In an attempt to make us healthy, they have greatly expanded the wealth of, not only the Mafia and local Indian tribes, but Red China and al Qaeda as well. The sale of illegal, as well as counterfeit butts, has reached epidemic levels in New York. Consider: just one vanload of bootlegged smokes could earn a smuggler more than $100,000 in profit. You could even go into a neighboring state and still make a sizeable profit by buying cigs there and selling them in New York. The real entrepreneurs among us rent (or steal) two or three tandems; drive down to North or South Carolina and fill up; then drive back to New York and sell out in about 36 hours. Make two or three trips like this in a week and, in a year, you would be almost as rich as Madman Mike. Then there was the City’s ban on trans-fats; the (voluntary) ban on salt and the not-so-voluntary ban on sugared soft drinks; the infuriating auto bans on Broadway and the teeny, micro-taxis that are not only fuel efficient, but nearly impossible to ride in comfortably, unless you’re a midget (oops, sorry about that—I meant height-challenged.)

I, as a member of the Jewish faith, have been waiting all of my life for a Jewish President. I have to pass on Czar Mike for the good of the country and my own sanity. I would even vote for (ugh) Sara Palin instead. There is something inside of me that rebels when someone tries to tell me what is “good for me.” They are the “True Believers’ that Eric Hoffer once wrote about. The cock-sure, know-it-alls that once told us that the Earth was flat and the Sun orbited the Earth. And, if you argued against that, you were burned at the stake as a heretic. It ain’t much different today only they don’t burn you; they “fine” you for not doing what they want you to do or when they want you to do it.

Mayor Bloomberg is to politics what Ebola is to good health. He has strutted about the political stage with a lack of common sense that he clearly demonstrates on almost a daily basis and, of which, he is too thick to be embarrassed. He is the model for nanny-state fascists who all believe that we are too dumb to live our own lives without their expert direction; under which all we are; and everything we do; or hope to do; is subject to their permission. Almost singlehandedly he has become an infuriating voice of the politically correct as he demonizes all and any who dare protest. He is the personification of the reason that we must completely do away with professional politicians in this country and make these pen pushers a vestige; a painful reminder of the past. He recently told those who seek to stop the Park 51 Mosque at ground zero from being built that ‘they should be ashamed of themselves.’ I presume that 70 percent of the American public now feels duly ashamed of themselves since being orally exorcised by Czar Mike. Incidentally, he did this after one of the top leaders of Hamas came out in full support of the project. That bit of alignment even caused Bully Mike, "I'm the only adult in town" Mayor to shut up! He then showed ‘respect’ for other people’s opinions, even when he disagreed with them.

Yeah, right! And I believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus.

Vote for Madman Mike Bloomberg—his policies are INSANE!(My apologies to Eddie Antar, if he's out of jail.)

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