I have an idea, but most of you probably won’t like it. Let me back up a bit. People in government have gotten together and said, “Hey, let’s ban tobacco, because it kills people.” Well, they can’t really ban it but they can make it expensive to buy legally. The key word, of course, is the last one. A pack of cigarettes in Manhattan (or anywhere in NYC) will set you back $14.00. That doesn’t make too many people quit, but it does make criminals out of most of them. They can probably buy a pack for anywhere from $8.00 to $10.00; maybe less. I don’t really know since I smoke cigars and I wouldn’t even consider buying them anywhere in New York.
What all of this means is that New York is losing a lot of tax dollars. And they top that with the ridiculous statements they make trying to convince people to stop smoking. The Surgeon-General of the United States (by the way; exactly what does the Surgeon-General of the United States do? What are his/her duties? If you guessed that it is a political patronage job, like so many others in all levels of government; you guessed right) recently stated to the press that smoking just one cigarette can kill you—really? That should be news to the medical establishment who has told us that you can save your life by quitting the habit now. But, according to the Surgeon-General, if you smoked that one cigarette, I guess you are a goner. Then someone “discovered” second-hand smoke. It takes a two-pack a day smoker about twenty years to develop lung cancer or a circulatory ailment; so how much harm can fumes from cigarettes that you might inhale (if you’re too stupid to open a window) for a few minutes cause? That’s assuming, of course, that the second-hand smoke inhaler doesn’t already have some lung condition or disease. But, they weren’t satisfied with that. Now, they are talking about “third-hand” smoke. What is that (?) you may ask? They are tobacco fumes that come off of your clothes. Give me a break.
They have also banned “Trans-fats” and several other items they fear harm your health. They are also after sugar and salt. God bless their hearts. Now here’s my idea: if they really want to save lives, why not ban religion? After all, religion, particularly Christianity, is responsible for more deaths than any known disease with the possible exception of malaria. World War I (fought by Christian nations) caused 20 million deaths. World War II caused around 60 million deaths (again, primarily fought by Christian nations.) Christians wiped out the Aztecs and Inca nations and, in general waged wars of genocide against Indians in both North and South America. They did the same to the Maoris in New Zealand and the Aborigines in Australia. Then there was the Crusades, the Inquisition; well, you get the idea. And Muslims are just starting to catch up. The only thing they haven’t figured out yet is how to kill their enemies without killing themselves first.
Now Buddhists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Quakers aren’t into any of this stuff, so I would allow them to practice, but you have to wonder about all of the others however. Jesus and Mohammad were two of the greatest figures in history with a message of peace and love. Look what their followers, with the two aforementioned exceptions (Quakers and Jehovah’s Witnesses) have done.
Now, I put it to you. Wouldn’t we save more lives by banning religion than by banning tobacco, trans-fats, salt, sugar, DDT, alar, drugs, etc.?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Bloomberg for President?
Mayor Bloomberg for President? Apparently Hizzoner has the Oval Office in his gun sights. God help us. Cigarettes are now $14 a pack in NYC due to his, and Governor Patterson’s efforts. In an attempt to make us healthy, they have greatly expanded the wealth of, not only the Mafia and local Indian tribes, but Red China and al Qaeda as well. The sale of illegal, as well as counterfeit butts, has reached epidemic levels in New York. Consider: just one vanload of bootlegged smokes could earn a smuggler more than $100,000 in profit. You could even go into a neighboring state and still make a sizeable profit by buying cigs there and selling them in New York. The real entrepreneurs among us rent (or steal) two or three tandems; drive down to North or South Carolina and fill up; then drive back to New York and sell out in about 36 hours. Make two or three trips like this in a week and, in a year, you would be almost as rich as Madman Mike. Then there was the City’s ban on trans-fats; the (voluntary) ban on salt and the not-so-voluntary ban on sugared soft drinks; the infuriating auto bans on Broadway and the teeny, micro-taxis that are not only fuel efficient, but nearly impossible to ride in comfortably, unless you’re a midget (oops, sorry about that—I meant height-challenged.)
I, as a member of the Jewish faith, have been waiting all of my life for a Jewish President. I have to pass on Czar Mike for the good of the country and my own sanity. I would even vote for (ugh) Sara Palin instead. There is something inside of me that rebels when someone tries to tell me what is “good for me.” They are the “True Believers’ that Eric Hoffer once wrote about. The cock-sure, know-it-alls that once told us that the Earth was flat and the Sun orbited the Earth. And, if you argued against that, you were burned at the stake as a heretic. It ain’t much different today only they don’t burn you; they “fine” you for not doing what they want you to do or when they want you to do it.
Mayor Bloomberg is to politics what Ebola is to good health. He has strutted about the political stage with a lack of common sense that he clearly demonstrates on almost a daily basis and, of which, he is too thick to be embarrassed. He is the model for nanny-state fascists who all believe that we are too dumb to live our own lives without their expert direction; under which all we are; and everything we do; or hope to do; is subject to their permission. Almost singlehandedly he has become an infuriating voice of the politically correct as he demonizes all and any who dare protest. He is the personification of the reason that we must completely do away with professional politicians in this country and make these pen pushers a vestige; a painful reminder of the past. He recently told those who seek to stop the Park 51 Mosque at ground zero from being built that ‘they should be ashamed of themselves.’ I presume that 70 percent of the American public now feels duly ashamed of themselves since being orally exorcised by Czar Mike. Incidentally, he did this after one of the top leaders of Hamas came out in full support of the project. That bit of alignment even caused Bully Mike, "I'm the only adult in town" Mayor to shut up! He then showed ‘respect’ for other people’s opinions, even when he disagreed with them.
Yeah, right! And I believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus.
Vote for Madman Mike Bloomberg—his policies are INSANE!(My apologies to Eddie Antar, if he's out of jail.)
I, as a member of the Jewish faith, have been waiting all of my life for a Jewish President. I have to pass on Czar Mike for the good of the country and my own sanity. I would even vote for (ugh) Sara Palin instead. There is something inside of me that rebels when someone tries to tell me what is “good for me.” They are the “True Believers’ that Eric Hoffer once wrote about. The cock-sure, know-it-alls that once told us that the Earth was flat and the Sun orbited the Earth. And, if you argued against that, you were burned at the stake as a heretic. It ain’t much different today only they don’t burn you; they “fine” you for not doing what they want you to do or when they want you to do it.
Mayor Bloomberg is to politics what Ebola is to good health. He has strutted about the political stage with a lack of common sense that he clearly demonstrates on almost a daily basis and, of which, he is too thick to be embarrassed. He is the model for nanny-state fascists who all believe that we are too dumb to live our own lives without their expert direction; under which all we are; and everything we do; or hope to do; is subject to their permission. Almost singlehandedly he has become an infuriating voice of the politically correct as he demonizes all and any who dare protest. He is the personification of the reason that we must completely do away with professional politicians in this country and make these pen pushers a vestige; a painful reminder of the past. He recently told those who seek to stop the Park 51 Mosque at ground zero from being built that ‘they should be ashamed of themselves.’ I presume that 70 percent of the American public now feels duly ashamed of themselves since being orally exorcised by Czar Mike. Incidentally, he did this after one of the top leaders of Hamas came out in full support of the project. That bit of alignment even caused Bully Mike, "I'm the only adult in town" Mayor to shut up! He then showed ‘respect’ for other people’s opinions, even when he disagreed with them.
Yeah, right! And I believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus.
Vote for Madman Mike Bloomberg—his policies are INSANE!(My apologies to Eddie Antar, if he's out of jail.)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Fat Chance!
I was recently speaking with Dr. I. M. A. Chump, PhD; he is a graduate of Snap, Crackle and Pop University, who has written many books including Fatatouille Reasoning and Applying Calculus to Meal Planning. His latest theory is that you can lose weight by adding (the right) food to your plate, no matter what you are eating. Dr. Chump, who originally comes from a small village in the Ukraine named Chelm, told me that adding a healthy item to a meal decreases its potential to promote gain. Thus, by adding a stalk or two of celery to a meal consisting of a triple Whopper with Cheese, bacon and large fries and still lose weight. He told me that his paradoxical view is based on the fact that the promoting of healthful foods being added to an unhealthy menu makes people think they are consuming fewer calories than they actually are. His view is that the concern over bad food is what really puts on the weight. His study is being funded by the McDonald’s Foundation and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Lesbian Nation
"Until I make my brother understand" Remember that line from the Helen Ready song "I Am Woman (Hear me roar)"? This pop-culture has been on a mission for decades to make all girls into teachers of men so they can make men "understand." Apparently all men are Neanderthals and it is the duty for the enlightened woman to make men understand. Another victory for Lesbian Nation, another aspiring feminist view that really has no intent at all of letting go of feminism or understanding of the real evil that the anti-male, anti-family agenda achieves.
The truth is that a truly strong man (which is most of us) doesn’t seek out weak-minded, ready-to-be molded women. Usually if you want something good to come to you, you have to work for it. This doesn't only pertain to work but relationships too. Nobody wants to be treated poorly. That’s the gist of any relationship. If a woman wants to be a lesbian, a bi-sexual or even an asexual, that is her right. It is the same right that a vegetarian has to eat vegetables and fruit and avoid all meat products. And you have a right to express your choice and your reasons for doing it. My objection is when it becomes a political agenda and deteriorates into radicalism. That’s what happened to PETA.
It has a very worthwhile cause, you would think, to prevent the human exploitation of animals. But everything depends upon how you interpret the word, “exploitation.” If you think about it, the real goal of PETA is to destroy as much of animal life as possible. If we eliminate meat and dairy from our diet in order to “protect” these “exploited” beasts (cattle), who would raise them? Goodbye cattle! Ditto for sheep, calves, lambs, and poultry. Maybe that explains why about 97 percent of all abused pets taken to a PETA center are euthanized, as compared to say an ASPCA center which euthanize about 37 percent. And nothing would delight PETA more than about 4 or 5 billion people on the planet being killed in some fashion or just disappearing overnight, especially non-members of PETA.
The same is true of radical feminists. They are not interested in improving relationships between the sexes; at least most radical feminists. Men are the enemy. They will never change—so all women must unite against the enemy. Once you have been impregnated, get rid of him. Get a court order against him and then sue him for all he has got and refuse him all visitation rights. Think I’m being extreme? Look at the recent Paul McCartney divorce. His ex even disgusted the judge who awarded her a multi-billion dollar settlement which she felt was not enough. Then there is Christie Brinkley, Amy Irving and a host of others who have built their fortunes largely by marriage.
Yes, there are exploited women and they do need protection because they can be involved with some very dangerous men. But there are men who are equally terrorized by their spouses. You rarely hear about them. You have no Centers for Exploited Men. There is no free counseling for exploited men. And try going to court for a protective order against a woman, if you’re a man. In most cases, you will have to prove that you are in danger, whereas all a woman (in most cases) need to, is to show up in court and sign the papers—no proof needed.
I don’t know your views, but something is definitely wrong here.
The truth is that a truly strong man (which is most of us) doesn’t seek out weak-minded, ready-to-be molded women. Usually if you want something good to come to you, you have to work for it. This doesn't only pertain to work but relationships too. Nobody wants to be treated poorly. That’s the gist of any relationship. If a woman wants to be a lesbian, a bi-sexual or even an asexual, that is her right. It is the same right that a vegetarian has to eat vegetables and fruit and avoid all meat products. And you have a right to express your choice and your reasons for doing it. My objection is when it becomes a political agenda and deteriorates into radicalism. That’s what happened to PETA.
It has a very worthwhile cause, you would think, to prevent the human exploitation of animals. But everything depends upon how you interpret the word, “exploitation.” If you think about it, the real goal of PETA is to destroy as much of animal life as possible. If we eliminate meat and dairy from our diet in order to “protect” these “exploited” beasts (cattle), who would raise them? Goodbye cattle! Ditto for sheep, calves, lambs, and poultry. Maybe that explains why about 97 percent of all abused pets taken to a PETA center are euthanized, as compared to say an ASPCA center which euthanize about 37 percent. And nothing would delight PETA more than about 4 or 5 billion people on the planet being killed in some fashion or just disappearing overnight, especially non-members of PETA.
The same is true of radical feminists. They are not interested in improving relationships between the sexes; at least most radical feminists. Men are the enemy. They will never change—so all women must unite against the enemy. Once you have been impregnated, get rid of him. Get a court order against him and then sue him for all he has got and refuse him all visitation rights. Think I’m being extreme? Look at the recent Paul McCartney divorce. His ex even disgusted the judge who awarded her a multi-billion dollar settlement which she felt was not enough. Then there is Christie Brinkley, Amy Irving and a host of others who have built their fortunes largely by marriage.
Yes, there are exploited women and they do need protection because they can be involved with some very dangerous men. But there are men who are equally terrorized by their spouses. You rarely hear about them. You have no Centers for Exploited Men. There is no free counseling for exploited men. And try going to court for a protective order against a woman, if you’re a man. In most cases, you will have to prove that you are in danger, whereas all a woman (in most cases) need to, is to show up in court and sign the papers—no proof needed.
I don’t know your views, but something is definitely wrong here.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
How the World Works Lately!
If a man cuts his finger off slicing salami at work,
he blames the restaurant.
If a person smokes three packs a day
for 40 years and dies of lung cancer,
his family blames the Tobacco Company.
If your neighbor crashes
into a tree while driving home drunk,
he blames the bartender.
If your grandchildren are
brats without manners, you blame television.
If your friend is shot by a
deranged madman,
you blame the gun manufacturer..
And if a crazed person breaks
into the cockpit and
tries to kill the pilot at 35,000 feet,
and the passengers
kill him instead,
the mother of the crazed person
sues the airline.
I must have lived too long to
understand the world
as it is anymore.
So, if I die while I am in
front of this computer, I want all of you to blame Bill
he blames the restaurant.
If a person smokes three packs a day
for 40 years and dies of lung cancer,
his family blames the Tobacco Company.
If your neighbor crashes
into a tree while driving home drunk,
he blames the bartender.
If your grandchildren are
brats without manners, you blame television.
If your friend is shot by a
deranged madman,
you blame the gun manufacturer..
And if a crazed person breaks
into the cockpit and
tries to kill the pilot at 35,000 feet,
and the passengers
kill him instead,
the mother of the crazed person
sues the airline.
I must have lived too long to
understand the world
as it is anymore.
So, if I die while I am in
front of this computer, I want all of you to blame Bill
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I have always been fascinated with bad movies. By bad, I don't mean just bad. I mean the kind of movie that is embarrassing to watch. The kind of movie that makes you laugh where laughter was never intended. The kind of movie that costs a small fortune to produce, but produces little, or no profit. The kind of movie that makes Ma and Pa Kettle look like Shakespeare. The kind of movie that, if it doesn't ruin an actor's career, it damages his reputation. I could write for hours on this topic, but I'm going to limit it to two of the worst movies ever made: Myra Breckinridge and Plan Nine From Outer Space.
Myra Breckinridge brought out the venom from the pen of virtually every critic who reviewed it. Newsweek said it was as funny as a child molester. Raquel Welch, Mae West, Rex Reed and John Houston proved that they had no acting ability whatsoever. There is guaranteed to be something in the film that will offend everybody. If you ever viewed this fim, you had to be questioning whether you were really viewing what you were really viewing.
Mae West, for example, is playing an oversexed, nymphomaniac, octagenarian; talk about art imitating life! One of her "studs" is a young Tom Selleck. She asks him how tall he is and he replies, "Six feet, six inches." Her reply? "Forget about the six feet, let's discuss the six inches." It gets worse, but since impressionable teenagers may be reading this blog, I will not discuss the "worst" moments in this cinema. That may be why you will never see this movie on television.
Plan Nine, by way of comparison, is not offensive, but it is embarrassingly funny where it intends to be serious. You have pilots who are flying an airplane without an instrument panel or a stick (nice trick), grave stones that "bend" when one of the actors accidentally trips over it, a "bald", six foot three, Bella Lugosi; gay aliens with an "attitude',Flying Saucers that look like paper plates because they are paper plates and much more. Perhaps the highlight of the film is one scene where the actors are shot at night and then are suddenly and inexplicably in bright sunlight
Myra Breckinridge brought out the venom from the pen of virtually every critic who reviewed it. Newsweek said it was as funny as a child molester. Raquel Welch, Mae West, Rex Reed and John Houston proved that they had no acting ability whatsoever. There is guaranteed to be something in the film that will offend everybody. If you ever viewed this fim, you had to be questioning whether you were really viewing what you were really viewing.
Mae West, for example, is playing an oversexed, nymphomaniac, octagenarian; talk about art imitating life! One of her "studs" is a young Tom Selleck. She asks him how tall he is and he replies, "Six feet, six inches." Her reply? "Forget about the six feet, let's discuss the six inches." It gets worse, but since impressionable teenagers may be reading this blog, I will not discuss the "worst" moments in this cinema. That may be why you will never see this movie on television.
Plan Nine, by way of comparison, is not offensive, but it is embarrassingly funny where it intends to be serious. You have pilots who are flying an airplane without an instrument panel or a stick (nice trick), grave stones that "bend" when one of the actors accidentally trips over it, a "bald", six foot three, Bella Lugosi; gay aliens with an "attitude',Flying Saucers that look like paper plates because they are paper plates and much more. Perhaps the highlight of the film is one scene where the actors are shot at night and then are suddenly and inexplicably in bright sunlight
Sunday, August 22, 2010
It is amazing, at least to me, the logic of the antisemite. They cite as "evidence" of their position, the exception as the rule. They point to the Rothschilds and Morganthaus to prove their point of Jewish control of banks and investment and forget the thousands of Jews who live in abject poverty and many more who live in less than a well-to-do status. They mention the over-representation of Jews in banking and investing and forget (conveniently) that it was a whole succession of popes and Christian religious leaders such as "Saint" Augustine and Martin Luther who condemned Jews to secondary citizenship and banned them from owning property and businesses. In fact, it was St. Augustine, not Adolph Hitler or the Nazis, who "invented" the yellow star of David to be worn by Jews to easily identify them, and who created the first ghetto. The question that one must ask is, if Jews are so easily identifiable, supposedly by their racial characteristics, why was it necessary to "identify" them in the first place? It is forgotten that money lending (forbidden as usury by the Catholic church) was the one of the few professions left for Jews to practice.
There was of course, other professions such as medicine and law but soon enough, guess what? The antisemites were complaining that Jews were "over-represented" in these professions. The result was the quota system allowing maybe 10 percent of all medical students in a university such as Harvard Medical School, for one bad example, to be from the Jewish faith. If you looked at this correctly, the antisemites were saying the Jew was so superior to the non-Jew they had to "protect" themselves from this "superior" race of human beings. Of course, their argument was that Jews got into universities through perfidy, lies and subterfuge that non-Jews were much too honorable to use.
And they also say that the Jew has added nothing to civilization; completely ignoring Ehrlich, Salk, Sabin, Neil Simon, Bennie Goodman, Herman Wouk, Dinah Shore, Jack Benny, The Marx Brothers, Mendelsohn, and,of course, Albert Einstein, who they instinctively know is wrong simply because he was Jewish. One blogger even admits that he is not Aryan, Christian or a Nazi, but he has nothing to do with Jews. That's a great idea. That will prevent him from ever finding out anything that might contradict his sick ideas.
There was of course, other professions such as medicine and law but soon enough, guess what? The antisemites were complaining that Jews were "over-represented" in these professions. The result was the quota system allowing maybe 10 percent of all medical students in a university such as Harvard Medical School, for one bad example, to be from the Jewish faith. If you looked at this correctly, the antisemites were saying the Jew was so superior to the non-Jew they had to "protect" themselves from this "superior" race of human beings. Of course, their argument was that Jews got into universities through perfidy, lies and subterfuge that non-Jews were much too honorable to use.
And they also say that the Jew has added nothing to civilization; completely ignoring Ehrlich, Salk, Sabin, Neil Simon, Bennie Goodman, Herman Wouk, Dinah Shore, Jack Benny, The Marx Brothers, Mendelsohn, and,of course, Albert Einstein, who they instinctively know is wrong simply because he was Jewish. One blogger even admits that he is not Aryan, Christian or a Nazi, but he has nothing to do with Jews. That's a great idea. That will prevent him from ever finding out anything that might contradict his sick ideas.
I Have Had It With These Kids!
I have had it with the present generation of kids. They are all a bunch of smart-assed, know-it-alls just because they know how to text message with an i-phone in both hands, with their fingers going at the speed of light. I am 71 years-old and I can do things they never thought of doing and I did things that they, in their lifetime will never do. For example, I know how to put a phonograph needle on a record. These young idiots don't know what either a record or a phonograph is I'll bet. I know how to fill a fountain pen with ink. And, how about operating a clutch pedal? If it wasn't for automatic shifts, these kids wouldn't be able to drive a car. And how many of these kids know how to ROLL DOWN the window of a car. Take away those buttons and they would die of hypothermia or lack of oxygen in their cars.
I used to open cans of spam and coffee with a key. You had to be really good to do this without cutting your finger or breaking off that little band of metal too soon, but today's kids wouldn't know anything about that. And how many kids today know how to break up a block of ice with an ice pick; use hand signals when driving, use an iron without electricity (if they even know what an iron is) or how to defrost a refrigerator.
I hope they look at me and others my age with new-found respect after reading this article.
I used to open cans of spam and coffee with a key. You had to be really good to do this without cutting your finger or breaking off that little band of metal too soon, but today's kids wouldn't know anything about that. And how many kids today know how to break up a block of ice with an ice pick; use hand signals when driving, use an iron without electricity (if they even know what an iron is) or how to defrost a refrigerator.
I hope they look at me and others my age with new-found respect after reading this article.
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